Explanatory Notes

Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016


18 January 2016

Commentary on Sections

Part 9 - Termination Etc. of Occupation Contracts

Chapter 3 - Termination of All Occupation Contracts (Possession Claims by Landlords)
Schedule 8 - Estate Management Grounds
Part 1 – The Grounds
Special accommodation grounds
Paragraph 5 - Ground E (housing associations and housing trusts: people difficult to house)

377.The landlord is a housing association or housing trust which provides dwellings specifically for those difficult to house, no such person is living in the dwelling or any such person who is a contract-holder has been offered a secure contract relating to another dwelling, and the landlord requires the dwelling for occupation by such a person. Sub-paragraph (2) sets out the meaning of ‘difficult to house’ for the purpose of this Ground.