Explanatory Notes

Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007

2007 asp 10

21 March 2007

The Act – an Overview

Part 1 .Protection of Adults at Risk of Harm


Section 2 – Principles for performing Part 1 functions

5.Any public body or official who carries out any functions under this Part must give consideration to the general principle set out above, the feelings of the adult at risk (as far as they can be ascertained) and the views of other significant individuals with an interest who are known to the public body or office-holder.

6.Consideration should also be given to the importance of the adult at risk participating as fully as possible by making sure that appropriate information and support is provided. The adult at risk should not be treated any less favourably than any other adult in a comparable situation and due regard should be given to the adult’s abilities, background and characteristics.