Explanatory Notes

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

2006 CHAPTER 47

8 November 2006

Regulated Activity

Schedule 4: Regulated activity

Part 1: Regulated activity relating to children

43.This Part defines regulated activity relating to children. Broadly speaking, the principal activities are -


Certain types of close contact activity (specified in paragraph 2(1)) carried out frequently, on three or more days in a 30-day period, or overnight. Examples include, teaching, supervising, advising, or caring for children. This also includes the moderation of internet chatrooms likely to be used wholly or mainly by children (paragraph 2(1)(e)).


Any activity carried out frequently or on three or more days in a 30-day period in an establishment specified in paragraph 3(1) which gives a person the opportunity to have contact with children in pursuance of his duties there (e.g. a school secretary).


The provision of childminding where there is a requirement to be registered under the provisions of the Childcare Act 2006 or there would be a requirement to be registered but for the fact that the individual does not provide childcare for a child below the age of eight (paragraph 1(3)). Similarly childminders in Wales are also covered, but here the requirement to register arises from the Children Act 1989 (Paragraph 1(6)).


Fostering a child (see below – section 53).


The exercise of functions of the Children and Family Courts Advisory and Support Services (CAFCASS) support officers and their Welsh equivalent.


The inspection of establishments specified in paragraph 3(1) (e.g. a school) on behalf of the organisations specified in paragraph 1(10) (e.g. OFSTED; Healthcare Commission) and the inspection of generalist health establishments specified in paragraph 1(12) and 1(13) on behalf of the organisations specified in paragraph 1(11).


The day-to-day management or supervision on a regular basis of any person carrying out the activities mentioned in a, b, e and f above.


The exercise of a function of the positions specified in paragraph 4(1) (e.g. school governor, Children’s Commissioner, trustee of a children’s charity, operator of the Information Sharing Index set up under the Children Act 2004).

44.Paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 4 provides that teaching, training, supervising etc. a child in the course of his employment will not be regulated activity. However this will not be the case where the child is under 16 and it is a person’s principal responsibility to be engaged in that particular activity in relation to the child.