

Particulars to be stated in returns

Demographic particulars

16.  Whether the person describes themselves as: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, British, or any other national identity (stating which) and which one of the following—

(a)White and whether English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British, Irish, Gypsy or Irish Traveller, or any other White background (stating which);

(b)Mixed/multiple ethnic group and whether White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian, or any other Mixed/multiple ethnic background (stating which);

(c)Asian/Asian British and whether Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese or any other Asian background (stating which);

(d)Black/African/Caribbean/Black British and whether African, Caribbean, or any other Black/African/Caribbean background (stating which); or

(e)Arab or other ethnic group (stating which).