(This note is not part of the Order.)

This Order provides:

  • that approximately 3930 metres of new road described in Part I of Schedule 1 and more particularly delineated and coloured red on the map shall become trunk road and be part of the trunk road system;

  • that approximately 2130 metres of the present Trunk Road T8 more particularly delineated and edged brown on the map shall cease to be trunk road; and

  • for the construction of a bridge to carry the new route over the navigable waters of the River Bann approximately 550 metres north of the existing road bridge in the townlands of The Creagh (Etre and Otre), County of Londonderry and Brecart (Main Portion), County of Antrim.

The Order also provides for the stopping-up and abandonment of certain roads.

Other proposed new road junctions and connecting roads which are not the subject of this Order are shown coloured blue on the map for the purpose of clarification.

The map referred to above means Drawing No. 22/17/FP/DO marked “Trunk Road T8 (Toome Bypass) Order (Northern Ireland) 2000” copies of which have been deposited for inspection at the Department’s Roads Service offices, Headquarters, Room 2-31, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GB; Northern Division, Divisional Headquarters, County Hall, Castlerock Road, Coleraine BT51 3HS, County Hall, 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena BT42 1QG and Antrim Section Office, Crown Buildings, 20 Castle Street, Antrim BT41 4JE; Western Division, Magherafelt Section Office, 30 Station Road, Magherafelt BT45 5DN; at the offices of Antrim Borough Council, The Steeple, Antrim BT41 1BJ and Magherafelt District Council, Council Offices, 50 Ballyronan Road, Magherafelt, BT45 6EN; and at the offices of Tidal, Toome House, Main Street, Toomebridge, Co Antrim BT41 3HS.