Reserve Forces Act 1996

18Rights of men on being discharged

(1)Where a man who is to be discharged from a reserve force is in permanent service and serving outside the United Kingdom—

(a)if he requires to be released from that service and discharged in the United Kingdom, he shall be sent there free of charge with all convenient speed and shall be released from service and discharged on his arrival there; but

(b)if at his request he is released from that service and discharged at the place where he is serving he shall have no claim to be sent to the United Kingdom or elsewhere.

(2)If such a man is released from permanent service and discharged in the United Kingdom, he shall be entitled to be conveyed free of charge from the place where he is discharged to the place stated on his attestation paper to be the place where he was attested or to any place in the United Kingdom at which he intends to reside.