Explanatory Notes

Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007

2007 CHAPTER 13

19 July 2007

Territorial Application: Wales

11.The Act replaces section 145 of the 2000 Act (which contained the previous mandatory bus travel concession for Wales and most of England) with two new sections. One section provides for the new national concession for England (for journeys beginning outside the London bus network); the other restates the mandatory concession for Wales.

12.The only significant change to the legislation which could affect Wales is the inclusion of order-making powers enabling the Welsh Ministers and the Secretary of State to require, in their respective territories, the recognition of concessionary passes issued under each other’s concessionary regimes, and those of Scotland and Northern Ireland. These powers could be used once all parties had agreed the practical arrangements of a reciprocal United Kingdom wide scheme. The Welsh Ministers’ powers include power to adjust the way in which bus operators are reimbursed under the Welsh scheme, so that they can be reimbursed for carrying concessionaires from outside Wales.

13.The Act does not change the way the Welsh scheme operates, nor does it affect the Welsh Ministers’ powers to alter the scope of the scheme.