Explanatory Notes

Energy Act 2011

2011 CHAPTER 16

18 October 2011

Commentary on Sections

Part 1: Energy Efficiency

Chapter 4: Reducing Carbon Emissions and Home-Heating Costs.
Section 71: Power of Secretary of State to require  information: carbon emissions reduction targets and home-heating cost reduction targets

175.This section inserts a new section 103B into the Utilities Act 2000 to enable the Secretary of State, by notice, to require information from energy companies, the Authority and any body other than the Authority that is for the time being the Administrator. The information may be required for any of the purposes listed in subsection (1)(a), (b) and (c) of new section 103B.

176.In summary, the purposes listed in subsection (1) are to enable the Secretary of State to decide whether to make a carbon emissions reduction order or a home heating cost reduction order, to review the operation and effect of any such order made and also for the purpose of establishing or maintaining a record of the properties which have received measures under either type of order.

177.Subsection (2) of new section 103B allows the Secretary of State to, by notice, require gas transporters and gas suppliers, electricity distributors, electricity suppliers, and the Authority to provide specified information or information of a specified kind within specified periods or intervals to the person who establishes and maintains a measures record on behalf of the Secretary of State. Subsection (3) describes those who fall within the scope of the information gathering power in this new section whilst subsection (4) enables the Secretary of State to make provision dealing with the form in which information must be provided and the time in which it must be provided.

178.Subsection (5) provides that under new section 103B in the Utilities Act 2000 a notice under the section will not be able to require a person to provide information which the person could not be compelled to provide in evidence in civil proceedings.

179.Subsection (6) of new section 103B enables the Secretary of State to share any information obtained under the section with Scottish and Welsh Ministers for the purposes of enabling them to review the operation and effect in Scotland and Wales respectively of either the carbon emissions reduction order or the home-heating cost reduction order.

180.Subsections (7) and (8) make provision enabling the power to request information to be enforced as a relevant requirement. These provisions ensure that the definitions of a relevant requirement in the relevant parts of the Gas Act 1986 and the Electricity Act 1989 are construed so as to encompass any requirements imposed by or under section 103B. The effect of these two provisions is to ensure that the Authority, if appointed as Administrator, has the necessary enforcement powers to ensure that requests for information under new section 103B are effectively enforced.