Marriage with Foreigners Act 1906

6(a)Any person may enter with the registrar or officer a caveat against the granting of the certificate, signed by him or in his behalf and stating his residence and the grounds of his objection.

(b)The registrar or officer shall examine into the matter of the caveat and decide whether it ought to obstruct the giving of the certificate or not, but he may if he thinks fit refer the matter to the Registrar-General to decide. If the registrar or officer decides the question himself, and decides that the caveat ought to obstruct the granting of the certificate, the applicant for the certificate may appeal to the Registrar-General in manner provided by regulations made under this Act.

(c)The caveat shall cease to operate—

(i)if withdrawn by the persons entering it ; or

(ii)if it is decided by the registrar or officer or by the Registrar General on appeal that it ought not to obstruct the giving of the certificate.