
XVINotes re-issuable under 48 or 53 G.3 to continue re-issuable till End of Three Years from the Date. Penalty on Frauds, 50l.

And be it further enacted, That all Promissory Notes for the Payment to the Bearer on Demand of any Sum of Money which shall have been actually and bonĂ¢ fide issued and in Circulation before or upon the said Thirty-first Day of August One thousand eight hundred and fifteen, duly stamped according to the aforesaid Act of the Forty-eighth Year of His Majesty's Reign, and which shall then be re-issuable within the Intent and Meaning of that Act, or of an Act passed in the Fifty-third Year of His Majesty's Reign for altering, explaining, and amending the said former Act with regard to the Duties on re-issuable Promissory Notes, shall continue to be re-issuable until the Expiration of Three Years from the Date thereof respectively, but not afterwards, without Payment of any further Duty for the same ; and if any Banker or Bankers or other Person or Persons shall at any Time after the said Thirty-first Day of August issue or cause to be issued for the first Time any Promissory Note for the Payment of Money to the Bearer, on Demand, bearing Date before or upon that Day, he, she, or they shall for every such Promissory Note forfeit the Sum of Fifty Pounds.