
The SCHEDULE to which this Act refersESTIMATE of the probable future Annual Charge on The Civil List

1st CLASSPensions and Allowances to The Royal Family298,000
2d CLASSAllowances to the Lord Chancellor, Judges, &c.32,955
3d CLASSAllowances to Foreign Ministers; including Pensions to Foreign Ministers, and Salaries to Consuls226,950
4th CLASSBills of His Majesty's Tradesmen209,000
5th CLASSSalaries to the Department of the Lord Chamberlain, Lord Steward, Master of the Horse, Master of the Robes, and Surveyor General of Works; including Compensation and Superannuation Allowances payable within those Departments140,700
6th CLASSPensions limited by Act 22 Geo. III. cap. 82.95,000
7th CLASSSalaries and Allowances to certain Officers and Persons41,300,
8th CLASSSalaries to the Commissioners of the Treasury, and Chancellor of the Exchequer13,822
OCCASIONAL PAYMENTS, not comprised in any of the foregoing CLASSES26,000