XIVTreasury to lay before Parliament a comparative Statement of former and new Establishment of any Office regulated, and Statement of every Office abolished.

And be it further enacted, That the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury, or any Three or more of them for the Time being, shall, within Six Weeks after the Regulation, under the Provisions of this Act, of any Office hereby directed to be regulated, if Parliament shall be then fitting, or if Parliament shall not be then fitting, within Six Weeks after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, lay before both Houses of Parliament an Account of every new Establishment of any such Office so regulated, with a Statement of the Number of Officers, and Amount of Salaries or Allowances of each respectively, together with a Statement of the former Establishment of the Office so regulated) and the said Commissioners of the Treasury shall in like Manner within the above-mentioned Period lay before Parliament a Statement of every Office that shall be abolished under the Provisions of this Act, shewing the Saving thereby made to the Public.