3 Non-payment of rates to disqualify from being present or voting in vestry. C1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3 No person who shall have refused or neglected to pay any rate for the relief of the poor, which shall be due from and shall have been demanded of him, shall be entitled to vote or to be present in any vestry of the parish for which such rate shall have been made, until he shall have paid the same; nor shall any such clerk, secretary, steward, or agent be entitled to be present or to vote, nor shall be present or vote, at any vestry in such parish, unless all rates for the relief of the poor which shall have been assessed and charged upon or in respect of the annual rent, profit, or value, in right of which any such clerk, secretary, steward, or agent shall claim to be present and vote, which shall be due and which shall have been demanded at any time before the meeting of such vestry, shall have been paid and satisfied.