Penalty for stealing Oysters or Oyster Brood.

That if any Person in that Part of the United Kingdom called Scotland shall wilfully and knowingly take and carry away any Oysters or Oyster Brood from any Oyster Bed, Laying, or Fishery, being the Property of any other Person or Persons, Body Corporate or Politic, and sufficiently marked out or known as such, every such Offender shall be deemed guilty of Theft, and being guilty thereof shall be liable to be sentenced to Imprisonment not exceeding the Term of One Year.

IIPenalty for using Dredges, &c. within Limits of Oyster Fisheries.

And be it enacted, That if any Person shall unlawfully and wilfully use any Dredge, or any Net, Instrument, or Engine whatsoever, within the Limits of any such Oyster Fishery in Scotland, for the Purpose of taking Oysters or Oyster Brood, although none shall be actually taken, or shall with any Net, Instrument, or Engine drag upon the Ground or Soil of any such Fishery, every such Person shall be deemed guilty of an Attempt to commit Theft, and being convicted thereof shall be liable to be punished by Fine or Imprisonment, or both, as the Court shall award; such Fine not to exceed Twenty Pounds, and such Imprisonment not to exceed Three Calendar Months.

IIINot to extend to Persons fishing for floating Fish.

Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent any Person from catching or fishing for any floating Fish within the Limits of any Oyster Fishery, with any Net, Instrument, or Engine adapted for taking floating Fish only.

IVAct not to prevent Persons exercising Rights they now enjoy.

Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent or be construed to prevent any Person or Persons from exercising any Right which may now be lawfully exercised within the Limits of any such Fishery.