Highway Rate.

216Costs of repairs of highways.

In any urban district where the expenses under this Act of the urban authority are charged on and defrayed out of the district fund and general district rates, and no other mode of providing for repair of highways is directed by any local Act, the cost of repair of highways shall be defrayed as follows ; (that is to say,)

(1)Where the whole of the district is rated for works of paving water supply and sewerage, or for works for such of these purposes as are provided for in the district, the cost of repair of highways shall be defrayed out of the general district rate:

(2)Where parts of the district are not rated for works of paving water supply and sewerage, or for such of these purposes as are provided for in the district, the cost of repair of highways in those parts shall be defrayed out of a highway rate to be separately assessed and levied in those parts by the urban authority as surveyor of highways, and the cost of such repair in the residue of the district shall be defrayed out of the general district rate :

(3)Where no public works of paving water supply and sewerage are established in the district, the cost of repair of highways in the district shall be defrayed out of a highway rate, to be levied throughout the whole district by the urban authority as surveyor of highways :

Provided that where part of a parish is included within an urban district, and the excluded part was, before the constitution of that district, liable to contribute to the highway rates for such parish, such excluded part shall (unless in the case of an urban district constituted before the passing of this Act a resolution deciding that such excluded part should be formed into a separate highway district has been passed in pursuance of the Local Government Act 1858 Amendment Act 1861), or unless such excluded part has been included in a highway district under the Highway Acts, for all purposes connected with the repairs of highways and the payment of highway rates, be considered to be and be treated as forming part of such district.

Provided also, that in the case of an urban district constituted after the passing of this Act a meeting of owners and ratepayers of the excluded part (to be convened and conducted in the manner provided by schedule III. to this Act) may decide that such excluded part shall be a highway parish, and thereupon the excluded part shall for all purposes connected with highways, surveyors of highways, and highway rates, be considered and treated as a parish maintaining its own highways ; but the requisition for holding any such meeting shall be made within six months after the constitution of the urban district.

The court of quarter sessions may by order direct that for any such excluded part a waywarden or waywardens shall be elected, and may invest any waywarden elected in pursuance of any such order with all or any of the powers of waywardens under the Highway Acts.