Companies Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845

[1.] Act to apply to all companies incorporated by Acts hereafter to be passed.U.K.

This Act shall apply to every joint stock company in Scotland which shall by any Act of Parliament which shall hereafter be passed be incorporated for the purpose of carrying on any undertaking; and this Act shall be incorporated with such Act, and all the clauses and provisions of this Act, save so far as they shall be varied or excepted by any such Act, shall apply to the company which shall be incorporated by any Act, and to the undertaking for carrying on which such company shall be incorporated, so far as the same shall be applicable thereto respectively; and such enactments and provisions, as well as the enactments and provisions of every other Act which shall be incorporated with such Act, shall, save as aforesaid, form part of such Act, and be construed together therewith as forming one Act.