Examination of witnesses

62.—(1) The judge advocate may allow a request that the cross-examination or re-examination of a witness be postponed if he is satisfied that there is a good reason for such a request and that there is no injustice to the accused in doing so.

(2) The judge advocate may question any witness and, if he thinks it appropriate to do so, may put to the witness a question from any other member of the court.

(3) Any other member of the court may, with the judge advocate’s permission, question any witness after the court’s finding on the charge has been announced.

(4) If in the opinion of the judge advocate it is in the interests of justice to do so, the court may at any time—

(a)call any witness whom it has not already heard;

(b)recall a witness;

(c)permit the accused or the prosecutor to recall a witness.