The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997

Capabilities and training

12.—(1) In entrusting tasks to workers, account shall be taken of their capabilities as regards health and safety.

(2) Workers shall be provided with adequate and appropriate health and safety training and instruction—

(a)before being assigned to shipboard duties;

(b)on their being exposed to new or increased risks because of—

(i)being transferred or given a change of responsibilities,

(ii)the introduction of new equipment or a change to equipment already in use,

(iii)the introduction of new technology, or

(iv)the introduction of new shipboard practices, a new system of work or a change to a system of work already in use.

(3) The training referred to in paragraph (2) shall—

(a)be repeated periodically where appropriate;

(b)be adapted to take account of any new or changed risks to the health or safety of the workers concerned; and

(c)take place during the working hours of the worker concerned.

(4) Every person carrying on the activity of an employment agency whose employee is to carry out work aboard a ship to which these Regulations apply shall be provided by the Company with information on—

(a)any special occupational qualifications required by workers to carry out their work safely;

(b)the specific features of the jobs to be filled by those workers (in so far as those features are likely to affect their health and safety); and

(c)any health surveillance required to be provided to workers under these or other relevant regulations,

and the employment agency concerned shall ensure that the information so provided is given to the said workers.