The Energy Information (Dishwashers) Regulations 1999

Regulation 10(a)


1.  Mail order catalogues and other printed communications referred to in regulation 10 (information in respect of mail order and other distance sales) shall contain the following information, given in the order specified below–

(1) energy efficiency class, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 2;

(2) name of standard cycle, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(5) of that Schedule;

(3) energy consumption, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(6) of that Schedule;

(4) cleaning performance class, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(7) of that Schedule;

(5) drying performance class, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(8) of that Schedule;

(6) capacity, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(9) of that Schedule;

(7) water consumption, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(10) of that Schedule;

(8) estimated annual consumption, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(13) of that Schedule;

(9) Where applicable, noise, determined in accordance with paragraph 1(14) of that Schedule.

2.  Where other information contained in the information notice is provided, it shall be in the form defined in Schedule 2 and shall be included in the list set out in paragraph 1 above in the order specified in that Schedule.