Pupils permanently excluded or admitted following a permanent exclusion22


Where a pupil is permanently excluded from a school maintained by a local education authority, the authority shall redetermine the school’s budget share for that financial year in accordance with paragraph (2).


The school’s budget share shall be reduced by the amount A × (B/52) where—

  • A is the amount, in the financial year in which the permanent exclusion takes effect (as defined from time to time for the purposes of section 494 of the 1996 Act12 (“the relevant date”)), determined by the authority, in accordance with this Part, to be attributable for the full financial year to a registered pupil of the same age and characteristics as the pupil in question at primary or secondary schools maintained by the authority:

    • For the purposes of this definition the amount attributable to a registered pupil is the sum of the amounts determined in accordance with the authority’s formula or regulation 31 by reference to pupil numbers rather than by reference to the number of places at the school or any other factor or criteria not dependent on pupil numbers; and

  • B is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year calculated from the relevant date:

    • EXCEPT that where the permanent exclusion takes effect on or after 1st April in a school year at the end of which pupils of the same age or age group as the pupil in question normally leave that school prior to being admitted to another school with a different pupil age range, B is the number of complete weeks remaining in that school year calculated from the relevant date.


Where a pupil is admitted to a school maintained by a local education authority (“the admitting school”) who has been permanently excluded from another maintained school in that financial year the authority shall redetermine the admitting school’s budget share in accordance with paragraph (4).


The school’s budget share shall be increased by an amount which may not be less than the amount D × (E/F) where—

  • D is the amount by which the authority reduce the budget share of the school from which the pupil was permanently excluded or would have reduced it had that school been maintained by the authority;

  • E is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year during which the pupil is a registered pupil at the admitting school;

  • F is the number of complete weeks remaining in the financial year calculated from the relevant date.


A local education authority shall include factors or criteria in their formula which satisfy the requirements of this regulation.