
PART 4Administration

Publication of enforcement action

14.—(1) Where a power is conferred on a regulator to impose a civil sanction under this Order in relation to an offence, the regulator must from time to time publish—

(a)the cases in which the civil sanction has been imposed,

(b)where the civil sanction is a fixed monetary penalty, the cases in which liability to the penalty has been discharged by payment of the penalty following the notice of intent and without further action being taken;

(c)where the civil sanction is a variable monetary penalty, restoration notice or compliance notice, the cases in which a third party undertaking has been accepted;

(d)cases in which an enforcement undertaking has been entered into.

(2) In paragraph (1)(a) the reference to cases in which the civil sanction has been imposed does not include cases where the sanction has been imposed but overturned on appeal.

(3) This article does not apply in cases where the regulator considers that publication would be inappropriate.