
SCHEDULE 2Requirements

Travel plan – construction

18.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until, after consultation with the local highway authority and the Highways Agency, a travel plan for the construction workforce of the authorised development has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The plan approved under sub-paragraph (1) shall include details of—

(a)expected means of travel to and from the construction site and any parking to be provided on site;

(b)numbers of construction staff, working hours and modal split;

(c)work start and finish times for construction staff;

(d)details of the number of car parking spaces to be provided on site and if appropriate a car park management plan;

(e)commitment to measures that will encourage sustainable travel to and from the construction site for construction staff including the use of minibuses to carry workers to and from the construction site;

(f)responsibility and timescales for implementing proposed measures;

(g)targets for vehicle trips and modal splits;

(h)formal monitoring regime for those targets;

(i)provision for mess/canteen facilities for staff; and

(j)consideration of offsite parking provision and a strategy for both car sharing and use of minibuses for the transportation of construction workers.

(3) The plan approved under sub-paragraph (1) must be implemented and observed during the construction of the authorised development.