The Keuper Underground Gas Storage Facility Order 2017

Ground and surface water and pollution prevention

12.—(1) No part of the authorised development may be commenced until written details of the surface and foul water drainage system (including means of pollution control) for that part have, after consultation with the sewerage and drainage authority, been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority. The surface and foul water drainage system must be constructed in accordance with the details approved under this sub-paragraph.

(2) No part of the authorised development involving the diversion of any stream or watercourse may commence until a scheme and programme for that part for its diversion has been submitted to and, after consultation with the Environment Agency, approved in writing by the relevant planning authority. The stream or watercourse must be diverted in accordance with the approved scheme and programme.

(3) Unless otherwise permitted under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) above, throughout the period of construction, operation, decommissioning, restoration and aftercare of the authorised development, all ditches, watercourse, field drainage systems and culverts must be maintained such that the flow of water is not impaired or the drainage onto and from adjoining land rendered less effective.

(4) All oil, diesel oil and lubricants stored within the authorised development for any purpose must be stored on a base impervious to both oil and water and surrounded by an impermeable bund wall. The bunded area must be capable of containing 110% of the largest tank’s capacity and all drain pipes, fill pipes and sight gauges shall be enclosed within its curtilage.