2021 No. 842

Ecclesiastical Law, England

The Legislative Reform (Church Commissioners) Order 2021


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

The Archbishops’ Council makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 1 and 9 of the Legislative Reform Measure 20181 and in accordance with paragraph 12A of Schedule 1 to the National Institutions Measure 19982 and section 11(6) and (7) of the Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 20183:

The Archbishops’ Council considers that the conditions in section 2 of that Measure are (so far as relevant) satisfied.

The Archbishops’ Council has consulted in accordance with section 4 of that Measure and has laid a draft Order and explanatory document before the General Synod in accordance with section 5 of that Measure.

In accordance with section 7 of that Measure, the draft Order has been approved by the General Synod.