
Declarations, notices and licences

3.—(1) Declarations made under these Regulations—

(a)must be in writing;

(b)may be amended or revoked, by further declaration in writing, at any time;

(c)must designate the extent of the vaccination zone being declared;

(d)must refer to the minimum measures which apply in the vaccination zone and state whether they apply in all or part of the zone;

(e)must state which categories of birds the measures apply to; and

(f)must state at whose expense the measures are to be carried out.

(2) Notices issued under these Regulations—

(a)may be amended or revoked, by further notice, at any time;

(b)must specify whether they apply to all or part of the premises;

(c)must, if they apply to part of premises, specify to which part they apply;

(d)must refer to the minimum measures which apply to the premises;

(e)must state which categories of birds the measures apply to; and

(f)must state at whose expense the measures are to be carried out.

(3) Licences granted under these Regulations—

(a)must be granted by the National Assembly or by an inspector appointed by the local authority acting under its direction;

(b)must be in writing;

(c)may be general or specific;

(d)may, in addition to any conditions required by these Regulations, be made subject to such conditions as the National Assembly considers necessary to control disease; and

(e)may be amended, suspended or revoked, in writing, at any time.

(4) The National Assembly must take such steps as it considers fit to ensure that declarations, notices and licences are brought to the attention of those who may be affected by them as soon as is reasonably practicable.

(5) The National Assembly must, in particular, ensure that the extent of any zone declared under these Regulations, the nature of the restrictions and requirements applicable within it and the dates of its declaration and withdrawal are publicised.

(6) Except as otherwise directed by the National Assembly (in a declaration of a vaccination zone or by notice to the licence holder), licences granted in Scotland, England or Northern Ireland for activities which could be licensed in Wales under these Regulations have effect in Wales as if they were licences granted under these Regulations.

(7) A person moving anything under the authority of a specific licence granted under these Regulations must—

(a)keep the licence or a copy of it with him or her at all times during the licensed movement;

(b)on demand made by an inspector or other officer of the National Assembly, produce the licence and allow a copy or extract to be taken; and

(c)on such demand, furnish his or her name and address.

(8) A person moving anything under the authority of a general licence granted under these Regulations must—

(a)carry with him or her, at all times during the licensed movement, a consignment note which contains details of—

(i)what is moved (including its quantity);

(ii)the date of the movement;

(iii)the name and address of the originating premises;

(iv)the name and address of the place of destination.

(b)on demand by an inspector or by another officer of the National Assembly, produce the consignment note and allow a copy or extract to be taken; and

(c)on such demand, furnish his or her name and address.